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The Between Past and Future
While Apostle Paul was in prison, he still wrote to the members of the church in Philippi. At that time, he was already a “Christian”, moreover a man called by Resurrected Christ to be his apostle. He had given all he had to spread the gospel to the nations beyond. He had “already” been called by God for his work but never forgot the “Still” to visit areas.
We are saved by the grace of God. We live and experience saving grace. As we “already” have the grace, it is “still” to be finished. We have “already” opened the San Jose Korean Bible Church. But we “still” work in numbers to spread the gospel for the “Great Commissioning” It is important that this calling by our Lord to help building the New Heaven in many glorious ways. Isn’t it glorious that we have the responsibility of “still” unfinished Great Commissioning?
As Jesus came to us, the New Heaven “already” started. However we are “Still” heading there. As the Resurrected Lord comes in the coming future, as we wait for the “still” coming world, we must reorganize of our past.
As one tangled with past cannot see the current and future, or seeing to far into the future to avoid of the current and the past. Or we can only live in satisfaction with the current fullness. We “already” started are life in faith, but the New Jerusalem to “still” come, as the citizens of that city, we do not pass over the “past and future” and would take this matter seriously.
The current heads into the future. As we stand in the middle of “past and future”, I pray that the members of the church would live in gospel, historical, and confessional life.
(February 18th, 1990)
(For the monthly newsletter of San Jose Bible Church)
Number Title Reference
46 What is a healthy church?
45 What is Christian?
44 What kind of Church did Jesus want?
43 Open Door
40 The Between Past and Future
39 Of Faith
38 Dear Brother K.
37 From Inside and Out
36 Of Happiness
35 Three Praises!
34 True Beauty
33 To Change the World
Page: (3/6), Total: 68