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Of Faith
Essay 39: Of Faith
In building of human knowledge system, there is always the key element of “looking”.
There is an old Korean saying, “seeing [it] once rather than asking hundreds of times.” This tells us that visual is the main structure in knowledge’s feels. However there is a limit to how “looking” in knowledge system. Such are of the supernatural, and of beyond something that we, as humans cannot see. As such, just by “looking” and using that as the “reason” to learning is simply egoistic.
That cannot be seen is only experienced by faith. Human being is the reason of knocking upon the gate of Faith’s Gates. By reasoning with only what we see and learn, we yearn for the longing to see of the supernatural. Likewise written in Hebrews 11:1
 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
By wishing and yearning for such unseen things and being of convicted of it, that person has entered into faith.
But to have a straight path in faith, one does not simply believe in everything. The world of Faith is not of the afterworld, but of the extended world. Faith is experienced by those who had passed the test of the limit of the human nature in agony. When one is in extreme despair, or is approaching death, do they yearn for the spiritual world. The World of Faith is not of weak and fragile people, but of maturity in spirit.
But God’s logic cannot be testified by us. That is the reason why we cannot believe it. Christian life’s cannot be all testified to believe. Christians simply confess that “God is Live!” and “God is Love!” As “Love” cannot be explained scientifically, we cannot believe in God by trying to logically explain him.
 Faith has a distinction of keeping it all in thought. A person in faith has a new determination and act upon the new path. One in faith slowly changes. As the world does not change immediately, one does not give up on the life with God, even if the world is against it. Moreover, the person would have courage and hope to live by that power and in that way, is that faith visible.
The life of a Christian is to give it all they have to God till the end. That way the unseen can be understood and evident with facts. Faith, is by experiencing the grace of God in hope as the first step.
Number Title Reference
46 What is a healthy church?
45 What is Christian?
44 What kind of Church did Jesus want?
43 Open Door
40 The Between Past and Future
39 Of Faith
38 Dear Brother K.
37 From Inside and Out
36 Of Happiness
35 Three Praises!
34 True Beauty
33 To Change the World
Page: (3/6), Total: 68