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Companion and mobilize
In the Korean News Daily, I read an article called “only stars and no citizens” in the 12th of June article. The article said, civic groups in Korea, are needing to look for a new ‘civil leader’ in this rough land, but as of now, instead of raising voices, one must reflect upon the civic groups’ root’s to be checked. One would be the troublesome of finances. Many of the civic group’s funding is only 30% so employees are not able to be paid. So the civil groups have to request for government help. In places like Korea where the culture shows of little to no interest participation is rather high.

Another problem is most of the decisions are made by the handful of ‘elites’ of society, reason being many civilians are uninterested. Many people become a member, but volunteering or showing their interest or opinion is only 10% of the group. In a survey, about 30.2% of the group voted “currently has no interest” and “have interest, but no motivation for it” was 32.6%. The remaining 13.2% simply “does not have enough time”. It’s only natural the group is maintained by only few people.

What is the negative impact from the ‘elite’ led and run group? Many of the members are simply mobilizing instead of being companions of the group. In order to collect the fund for the group, the leaders of the group rather want to be ‘mobilizing’ instead of ‘companioning’.

Neurologists have studied and found that cells in our body gives other cells “signals” to help each other. If a cell is hurt with disease, it sends a signal to help that one cell and many come to help. If it doesn’t, other cells are negatively affected as well. If all the cells do not communicate and help with each other, and work only for it, then it would become a cancer and threaten the life. One thing that surprised me was if a person thinks positively, all the cells send positive signals. That way the body is healthy and works in positive ways.

“Thoughts become an action. Actions become a habit, habits build character, and the character leads to fate.” It’s a fairly well known word phrase. Can being thoughtless awareness leads to change of one’s character? Christianity disciple isn’t to give only biblical knowledge. It is to change one’s character; hopefully the pastors can lead to raise more Disciples of Christ. Christian A. Schwarz in his book, “Natural Church Development” put “Leadership of Ministry” on priority list thereafter, raising a companion and mobilizing member of the work. When we become mobilize instead of, it shows that the community of Christ’s strength is being weakened. Apostle Paul said, “For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) God had called us to be companions and mobilize for him.

Such as, husband and wives are not of mobilize, but is companion. I wish that the Korean district pastor’s relationship to each other isn’t mobilizing, but be companions to each other. I wish for support in regional meeting, committee meeting, and superintendent meetings, and of our denomination. We would also do our best. Aren’t we after all, companioning in Christ?
Number Title Reference
8 Companion and mobilize
7 The Inspiration Maker
6 Shock Test
5 Surrounding of Love John 13:34~45
4 5M Acts 26:19~20
3 Annual Report!
2 [They] went to pray Acts 6:4
1 What is the priority thing to do? Genesis 15:5, Mark 1:35, 9:29
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