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Shock Test
A lot of people were awestruck by the Boston Marathon winner Bongju Lee which was held few weeks ago. The special news report stated his shoe sizes were different because of birth defect, and because of small eyes, he had to have surgery to make them larger. But the surgery spot would open again, and whenever he sweated, all of it would go into his eyes and torment him. Not only that, his father had recently passed away so his heart was heavy. But he still won the marathon. One of the shocking, but fresh thing was in spite of all the shocking things he had been through, instead of breaking down, took it as an opportunity to show the triumph a human  can achieve by being able to withstand it.

Many marathoners run these lonely streets alone and think many things. Some think of dying in the middle of the race when the stress of it becomes too great, the regret of starting a marathon run, many failed runs, and many more. But they still think of running to the end and breaking the tape to receive the crown of honor.

Some time ago, the American Road Safety Association had done safety collision test to many small SUVs. Out of 10 different cars, Santa Fe had the 1st place. Hyundai’s car won the gold medal in the nation of cars – United States. The car experts tested on not base on the looks from outside / inside but of the collision value it takes. A true car’s value is not on just the looks, but how safely it can prevent injury when accidents happen.

As we pastors do our jobs, we run into many shocking things. Jesus said about building a house on rock (Matthew 7:25~27). There is the shock from top (rain), side (wind) and the bottom (rising flood). We would know if this house is built on sand or rock when we see these three aforementioned things.Therefore, shocks in life can be a great way to balance out one’s self. Wouldn’t this also be a great way to assess the church’s health?

Santa Fe got the best in engineering, and as Marathoner BonJu Lee won the race through his sweat and preparation for the long run, there was a vision for it. We will make the best car in the world! I will win this race this year! Those visions were realized when it was all achieved. A person with dream and vision sees a goal. A person with dream and vision brings out what is the best in their knowledge and commitment. Would a great car just come out? Or just win to get 1st place?

C&MA American District and the Korean District both have the great commission and the great commandment. In order to understand the goal better, we must toil hard and gather more in numbers, to make a healthy church. If we follow these fundamentals, we would not only win those times in shock, but rather – the shock as an opportunity to show the Lord’s glory that way.
Number Title Reference
8 Companion and mobilize
7 The Inspiration Maker
6 Shock Test
5 Surrounding of Love John 13:34~45
4 5M Acts 26:19~20
3 Annual Report!
2 [They] went to pray Acts 6:4
1 What is the priority thing to do? Genesis 15:5, Mark 1:35, 9:29
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