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Annual Report!
Revival of the Korean District

Annual Report!

The deadline for district’s annual report is coming up, but only 2 churches have submitted their forms. The only other solution was to call the pastors themselves to have them submitted. But getting the connection isn’t the easiest. Several of the pastors whom I couldn’t contact, I left a message to submit the form with their wives, but that didn’t do much either.

Several pastors didn’t get the report form because of mail delivery issues. So I decided to get up early in the morning to call several of the pastors went out. Some of the pastors who had answered the phone said, “It must be early morning there.”

For an organization to grow healthy, there are three requirements that are needed.

One is democracy. With democracy, everyone must participate otherwise it falls apart. Therefore, the leader, the rules, even the decisions of the future cannot be decided solely by one person. When all the members become a participant, instead of watching from outside, and everyone is doing the best in their own work, the organization’s movement is strengthened. One body, with many a parts.

Second is ethicality. When everyone in the organization looses their ethicality, from the members to the leaders, the trust is lost, there is no empathy in members, and makes the organization impossible for an object to be completed. With the strengthening of ethicality, the trust in the members will rise, and even with multiple members, the single goal will be achieved.

Lastly, is the productivity. Without the products, the factory cannot continue the business. What would happen when products do not reach consumers? All those churches in the Korean District must have a soul to save, to grow and disciple them, and to have strengthened in numbers. I hope and pray that every church will do that.

From the end of January to mid-February, the time I had spent on the phone was not in vain. When the data of statistics are summed up, the Korean District is growing in numbers. I wish for this year for the healthy pastor, church, and Korean District. I give sincere thanks to those pastors’s in the Korean District who had submitted the annual report.
Number Title Reference
8 Companion and mobilize
7 The Inspiration Maker
6 Shock Test
5 Surrounding of Love John 13:34~45
4 5M Acts 26:19~20
3 Annual Report!
2 [They] went to pray Acts 6:4
1 What is the priority thing to do? Genesis 15:5, Mark 1:35, 9:29
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