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As we watch the grace of nature
As we watch the grace of nature
In the senior apartment my wife and I reside, there are three flowering trees right outside our window. Another window further down shows a tree that I do not know of the name of, but has a green leaf that stands strong. In an apartment about 20 meters away, it has the same exact view as ours.

After moving to the current residence, when I take my walk with my wife, I noticed many of the large houses have many flowering trees planted around them. The first tree to have its flowers bloom is a pink colored tree. During the winter the tree looks dead, but when it is about spring time, the flowers come out shy and small in budding plants. My wife and I took our walk about the place before I write this, and I noticed the tree’s pink pretty flowers are gone by the winds, and now there are dark red leaves upon the tree in full blossom.  Between our walking, sometimes I also see a house with hundreds of tulips and narcissus flowers in one particular building. It is blossoming around the time the pink tree fades, and it is simply beautiful.

In front of our apartment, there is a tree that looks dead until it had blossomed with flowers.

During the warm spring time, white flower buds popped out everywhere. From one night, it looked like it was snowing with the flower petals, and seeing them land on the pine tree nearby; it was just like a snowy night. The previous night, the flowers started to flow into the wind and were like the wintery wind. Some places had mounds of flower petals forming. Seeing this multitude of trees, it is simply a wonderful sight and interesting that God has made so many different trees.

Coming out of the apartment about 50 meters away, there are several other flowers that did not even blossom yet. During the late spring it finally shows up. I wonder that the flower will be during our hike past that tree. It is a great pleasure seeing the delicacy and the grace of God’s work whenever I see something like these.

In our residence, my wife had planted a cactus, along with two pots that used to have orchids, a pot with green onion, and two water parsley plants. We humans’ looks at plants makes one’s heart calm, and makes one joyful. The one my wife dears the most of those is the cactus. Whenever she feels dizzy or have a heavy head, she would pluck its leaves and drink of its juice. It is a naturally made medicine.

There is another elderly American lady that resides just below us. If the TV she turns on low volume isn’t heard, one would mistake that no one lives there. But the thing that stands out is how decorated her balcony is. After seeing that, my wife suggested to pull the orchids out, since it was only bulb and had no flowers left and to plant wild chrysanthemum that she likes instead. It is a small thing to do, but seeing that it is spring time, and to welcome it, I liked the idea. I am thinking of doing that the next week. Wishing that the flower will become part of the welcoming ceremony to the coming of spring…

(March 23rd, 2013)
Number Title Reference
31 Hero
30 Tears of the General
29 As we watch the grace of nature
28 Feeling strange
27 The cross on the ceiling
26 Around the time of Christmas
25 Garage Sale
24 A Bird’s Nest!
23 Grandpa…
22 Power of word
21 The difficulty of having only a pair of clothing
20 6 Goslings
Page: (5/7), Total: 79