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The cross on the ceiling
The cross on the ceiling
It has passed 2 years since moving into our senior apartment. When I looked up upon the ceiling in our bedroom short time before Christmas, I saw a picture of a cross. My wife and I used to have the horizontal blinds closed while sleeping, but my wife thought it was clustering, so we had opened for few months, but seeing the cross I never saw before suddenly gave me quite a surprise.

Since our advanced age, sleeping habit was to lie on our sides when we get in our bed. There was almost no chance to see the cross on the ceiling. By chance I was sleeping straight; I saw the cross shaped shadow on the ceiling.

The apartment I reside is 2 stories tall. In front of the first floor has about 10 feet of grass, and about 8 feet of cemented walking path. To the right of that, there is a 10 feet tall circular pipe with a white spherical shaped street lamp post. It turns on around 6PM in the night and stays on till 7AM the next day. Curious to find out about how the cross has been there, I looked carefully and saw the light from the lamp had reflected into the window and casted a shadow. The window’s frame and the lower part of the wood frame of the blinds had caused it to make it into the cross that I had seen.

For a while now, I have uploaded my music videos of my hymns, and to look for photos, I have used ‘Open Photo’ and saw the cross on the floor and made it part of the background once.  To see if I can ever use that imagery, I took a picture of the cross, but seeing that the room was either dark, or the lack of my photo taking skills, or the lack of the equipment, or even the shadow being too light, the picture did not come out as desired.
The cross is the meeting point of the righteousness of God with love to save the sins of humanity. It is the punishment that God took for us. If I do not believe that God has died in flesh and in blood for us, I cannot become the child of God. The only way to be saved is by believing in that. I think it is not by fate that the cross is there for me to see before I sleep every night, but one can only imagine so far… For someone like me to never forget that, and to serve and love Jesus, this is a grace that God has granted me for to see.

I have no more desire to move. There is nowhere else for me to go. I have prepared a place to rest finally in a place nearby. I plan of this senior apartment to be my final stop. It is such a great blessing that I can always see the cross, until the day my Lord calls me back, to see the cross upon the ceiling.
(January 25th, 2015)
Number Title Reference
31 Hero
30 Tears of the General
29 As we watch the grace of nature
28 Feeling strange
27 The cross on the ceiling
26 Around the time of Christmas
25 Garage Sale
24 A Bird’s Nest!
23 Grandpa…
22 Power of word
21 The difficulty of having only a pair of clothing
20 6 Goslings
Page: (5/7), Total: 79