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The difficulty of having only a pair of clothing
The difficulty of having only a pair of clothing
In the book of Mark 6:9 Jesus said, “Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.” A reverend that I respect so much tried to follow that word by word. Once, I had helped him put his coat back on after a young adults meeting during my youthful days. I was very shocked to see the coat’s collar was all worn out and roughened. He had spent the cold winter with woolen gloves made by his granddaughter, along with his very old, old Wisconsin and would greet the students and teachers going to the church classrooms.

I wanted to live like the reverend, simple and clear life. After he had passed away, a collection of writings of his euphemism was made into a book called “Beautiful Empty Hand”. Even though I am nowhere near like him, when I pass away, I believe people will say many things about me.
During the thirty odd years of my ministry, I never had a real stabilized finance. That doesn’t mean I starved either. As the Lord commanded in the Book of Deuteronomy “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain” (Deut 25:4) even if I am not the best of the worker in God, I still give thanks that the Lord provides me a place to live and food to eat, and I bow my head in thanks.

I had tried my best emulating the reverend by not having a pair of clothing, but have not succeeded yet. Mostly it is because many of the congregation members would bring fine clothing as a gift when they buy their own. Even if I do refused about receiving, most of them say to keep it and return it if it does not fit my size.  Whenever I discuss with my wife about returning the product, she would say that it is impolite to return a gift like that. So even after I had retired, I still have extra pair of clothing besides the ones I currently wear.

About 20 years ago, a church member’s father had passed away in Korea. Since his clothing size was very similar to me, his daughter gave me his old clothing and shoes. I had been wearing them very well up till last year; however, I have lost my only chance to not have a pair of clothing.
About last autumn, one of the deacons I had baptized long time ago had passed away, and I had done a precession for his funeral. He served the Lord past the age of 50 and after I had left the church I started for the superintendant position of the Korean District of C&MA, he stayed in that church and served faithfully. Since her daughter had served the Lord a bit earlier than her father, he was a very valuable person. The deacon’s wife would always early before the pastor to open the church door for the early Morning Prayer service.

One day when I went home, my wife said something cautiously. She said the deacon’s wife had visited me. The reason was because he had several suits. After his health started to deteriorate, she brought several of the suits that he never wore. Almost brand new. Since the deacon was about my age and had worn clothing that is about my size, her daughter said “it would be best for Pastor Lee to wear it.” Adding that, “Since my father was baptized by you, so you would be happy to wear them.” Since the deacon that had passed away was Sushi chef, he would always wear good perfume. I had received several suits and perfumes. It was first ones I have ever received. An elderly pastor (me) wearing fancy perfume… Since I got this gift, my days of having no more than a pair of clothing have been delayed yet again. But every Sunday I would wear the suits and spray a bit of the perfume and head out of the apartment.
(July 21st 2014)
Number Title Reference
31 Hero
30 Tears of the General
29 As we watch the grace of nature
28 Feeling strange
27 The cross on the ceiling
26 Around the time of Christmas
25 Garage Sale
24 A Bird’s Nest!
23 Grandpa…
22 Power of word
21 The difficulty of having only a pair of clothing
20 6 Goslings
Page: (5/7), Total: 79