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One grain of Wheat…
One grain of Wheat…
I went to New Jersey to have extended education in work ministries; I remember seeing a blossoming of yellow forsythia flowers. It was curious and amazing at the same time. It was the first time I have seen since I have left Korea. I have recently acquired a book called “The Forsythia Never Worries” written by Reverend KyungChul Chang.
In Southern California, there is flower blooming all the time, but the spring time this year around, al l the gardens around us are blooming in full flowers.
A few days back, my daughter’s packaged had arrived. She wanted to give small gifts to those whom she was thankful for. When I had opened, they were small flower seeds. When I saw them, I thought it was a rather too small of gratitude. But also, I had thought of how beautiful the flowers would bloom from these seeds as well. Before the flower can bloom, however there is the death of the seed itself. Everyone thinks of death once in their life time. It is the time to think and gather the last thoughts and the meaning in life. We learn that those who have had brushed with death, learns the true value of life and becomes a new person.
I remember searching for an answer to the life and death, and found a rather clear response from Jesus in the book of John.
            “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? (John 11:25-26)”
Apostle Paul also had lived from the life of death and was granted the resurrected life.
Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?
“The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! (1 Corinthians 15:55-57)”
While I want to pray and hope for the ministries of many reverends, I would like to share a new poem, “One Grain of Wheat”
“One Grain of Wheat”
One grain of wheat, so insignificant,
Yet the life is precious
One grain of wheat, it withers and dies,
The life it leaves behind is precious
One grain of wheat buried within the earth
Shattered and bruised,
One grain of wheat unknowing to anyone,
It is forgotten
One grain of wheat, sprouts and rises,
It breaks out of the darkness
One grain of wheat changes and becomes a stalk
It grows and grows and flowers
One grain of wheat, when planted and is decaying,
When it disappears without a trace
One grain of wheat, it lives and harvest 100, 60,
30 times, harvesting a plenty.
(O.J.Y/ 2002. 4.12)
Number Title Reference
20 Unforgettable Names
19 Encouragement needed
18 Like the debtor
17 One grain of Wheat…
16 Without calculations and filtering (Romans 5:8)
15 The Importance of Honesty and Integrity
14 To have a proper relationship [with others] {January 20th, 2002}
13 I still… (Colossians 1:28~29)
12 Thankfulness in autumn
11 Fight in unity (October 23rd 2001)
10 911
9 What is there to say?
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