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What is there to say?
What is there to say? (August 20th, 2001) James 2:17
The prime minister of Czech Republic is an avid smoker. He always defends himself about smoking thusly: “Because I am an avid smoker, I help pay the cigarette taxes to help this nation. Also because people who smoke die early, this country won’t have problems dealing with elderly.” He said that in a joking tone.

The problem was, Philip Morris, a famous cigarette company protested that smoking does not affect aging process. When they tried to put an end in cigarette in Czech, there was a news broadcast in the following article. - “Czechs smoking in 1999 for 1 year had helped the government by leaving a surplus treasury revenue of 30 million U.S. dollars.”

After this news was spread throughout the world, the CEO, John R. Nelson had publically apologized to the nation.
Politicians say what politicians say. Business owners say any and all things to grow their business. Musicians through their music, artists with their paintings, or sculptures. Finally architects with their buildings to express what they want to say.

What should we Christians say?

They say the word is a bowl in which thoughts are collected. It is how things are expressed. The only other stronger way to show is through action. Many people wonder if we, as the spreader of the gospel act according to our words in action or not. We want our churches to boom. There are many works needs to be done in order for it to happen. I hear stories of “Oh, the pastor has to evangelize to grow the church.”Or “there should be many cell groups to have a growing church.”Or even, “Open worship service makes the church grow.” Also I heard those things from church growth seminars.

Last month (July 20th, 2001), I read an interesting article. In a small island called Huhsado, of the South Jeolla Providence, Bay of Mokpo, there is an elderly reverend that runs a very small church. More amazingly, all 35 families that reside in that small island attend that church.  The author wrote, “[T]he elderly pastor didn’t know how to lead the church like the young pastors of today. He wanted to introduce them a “young and fresh pastor” and all the members said, they “don’t want a new pastor! We want to have you as our reverend till you pass away!” was he a great preacher? Or was he educated to the latest psychology? Did he act like he preached? Or was he the wisest man in our century? I would never find out, but I’m pretty sure he was in act of his words.

There is no easy path in church growth. First we must ask ourselves, do we trust the good news? Are we acting according to the words? In the Book of James, Elder James states - In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (James 2:17)
If the unbelievers and believers all alike say, “This reverend acts according to his words.”Wouldn’t the church grow?
Number Title Reference
20 Unforgettable Names
19 Encouragement needed
18 Like the debtor
17 One grain of Wheat…
16 Without calculations and filtering (Romans 5:8)
15 The Importance of Honesty and Integrity
14 To have a proper relationship [with others] {January 20th, 2002}
13 I still… (Colossians 1:28~29)
12 Thankfulness in autumn
11 Fight in unity (October 23rd 2001)
10 911
9 What is there to say?
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