Home > Fellowship Plaza Apt. A202
Fellowship Plaza A-202
Fellowship Plaza A-202

I had recently invited people to my newly moved place.

I wanted to have a meal with three of the people I knew on the 28th of December, so I made the lunch schedule on today (January 8th). My wife made few condiments and a green been pancake, along with a fish stew and had a tasty lunch.

Deacon Cho and his wife, I have known them for quite long time now. Deacon Cho’s husband attended church when I was in 5th grade. He was a Sunday bible school teacher at that time. Even thought he wasn’t my bible teacher, since he was friends with my 2nd brother, he used to visit our place frequently. So I have known him for almost 60 years. The other deaconess had recently lost her husband during summer. I had moved recently back from New Jersey and was interim pastor to a church for short time (about 7 months) and knew that deaconess from that church.

Her husband was not doing so well for several years before he passed away. The reason for introducing him, despite having passed away last summer, was because he had helped me able to find a spot for the Fellowship Plaza. About 5 and half years ago, he had called me one early morning despite his poor health. I asked why I had to come, he said that they were giving out forms to be a new tenant of this place, and had to arrive quickly to get them. I was delaying on that till 9AM in the morning, thinking that’s when the office opens, but he called again, saying I would miss my opportunity if I didn’t get the form.

I learned later that many of the elderly in the area heard of the news, and there were only limited amount of rooms, and therefore a lot of competition. Some even spend the night there, with a chair and thick jacket. There were always 300 sheets prepared, and I received mine toward the end. I would’ve never received, had he not call me.

When I had prepared the form and returned, the employee told me that out of the 300, only 150 of them would be chosen to be the new tenants. That being said, out of the 300, only the half would get the opportunity. When I got my number, it was the final 150! They sent a letter saying if I ever change my number or my residence, there was a strong saying contact them, but do not come. I think it was because many of the Asian applicants get impatient and constantly call them back, and they were tired from answering the calls. When people around me saw that I only waited for the call, they suggested visiting them and asking if a room was available or not. Why go and bother them if there was none available? I just prayed and waited for their response.

Since Liberty Tower application came out first, I got there and lived there about 19 months. A lady named Susan from Fellowship Plaza called. She asked if I had the desire to come and see it. I appointed my time for interview, and filed all the important documents and waited for the call. I and my wife thought it would probably come around January of 2013 and waited at our leisure. But on the 10th of December, Susan called and said I can receive my key on the 18th, so come that day. I was happy that the news came fast.

Susan gave me the tenant forms (with the cautions), and after paying the deposit and monthly fee, she led me to Building A-202. A and B apartments were close, and C and D blocks were a bit further down facing each other on a hill. The buildings here aren’t like the Liberty tower (which has 11 floors) but 3 floors only. My apartment is at the Northwest, in the last unit. There is an emergency stairs at the end and garbage disposal area, and easy to reach.

After opening the front door, Susan explained everything to me. I was a bit surprised since I have visited and seen their room. The reason was the changed interior. The refrigerator was larger, and newer. So was the oven. All the cupboards are new, and so were all the light switches, shower stalls, toilet, etc. I learned later that the place was almost 40 years old and they were all refurbished. I give thanks that I am able to live in a newly refurbished area.

After receiving the keys, and before moving our stuff into the apartment, we brought our bible and gave our thanks prayer first. From the windows, the trees have shed their leaves, but there were 3 large trees in the front, and in the bedroom there was a tree that blooms white flower. I felt refreshed thinking about the plants during the summer.

Last night while walking with my wife in the forest, we talked about the blessing and caring hand that God had led us into this last place. Our common agreement was that, even though we didn’t have an easy life, we received much more than what we were thinking of, and much grander. As children of God, and despite being an inadequate servant to God, I give thanks to God in tears while praying.

I was singing softly the hymn that I wrote during my toughest days of my service; called “He Holds My Hand” I was tearing up. Because the LORD is “always with you and will keep his promises…”

(January 14, 2013)
Number Title Reference
7 Youngjin’s mother
6 2013-06-03 9:30AM
5 Age of 100s
4 At the Farmer’s Market
3 Fellowship Plaza A-202
2 Taking our walk
1 24 minutes (Moving in...)
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