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24 minutes (Moving in...)

I got my keys to the new place on 18th of December, but because Christmas was near, I had to change the date of moving to the 28th. Since there was about ten more days till moving, I left all the large items such as my books, the bookshelves, kitchen table and bed. I used my car to move everything else twice daily to the new place.

Since I had moved around a lot, I expected the load to be light. But likewise, it was still packed when I searched around the studio. Any of the smaller articles of items were moved in small bags or plastic bags to the new place till 27th. Since the bookshelves were heavy, and there was no suitable car to move it, I had cleaned it well and left it.

At 9AM in the morning the people to help me moved came. My son in law, a pastor and two deacons I knew well came with van and truck. After praying together, I jokingly said “Loading is done in 24 minutes!” (A word play in Korean – Ei-sa is pronounced like the number 24) True, with 6 of us, including myself, the moving would be easily done before 24 minutes were up. I resided on the 5th floor so the elevator required having some safety padding on it to move. I had prepared everything in the office in advance so from 9:10AM in the morning we moved everything from the 5th floor to the truck below. When I timed myself it took a little over 30 minutes. When I told the people in the office my moving was done, they were surprised. After serving lunch to those who had helped, I came back to do some cleanup around 1:30PM and surprisingly, the padding was still there.

While serving in the military, I was in the forward base during Vietnamese War. There was a lot of preparation for the war. I was trained frequently with schematics of the army truck on how to load during emergency move out. It was so that we would be able to pack the trucks in the most efficient and fast way to move to the planned area. I wanted to prepare to go to the Lord and have the least amount of items. That is why “moving in 24minutes!” was said. While thinking of joining the Lord in instant when I am ready to go…

(January 9th, 2013)
Number Title Reference
7 Youngjin’s mother
6 2013-06-03 9:30AM
5 Age of 100s
4 At the Farmer’s Market
3 Fellowship Plaza A-202
2 Taking our walk
1 24 minutes (Moving in...)
Page: (7/7), Total: 79