Home > Fellowship Plaza Apt. A202
Taking our walk
Taking our walk

In my previous residence of Liberty Tower, there were a lot of traffic because of the Catholic elementary school and middle schools, along with the Santa Clara University. There are many traffic lights on the way as for the traffic, and we had to stop by the light many times during our walk. Also the air quality wasn’t the best of conditions due to the cars.

The new residential area is amongst the richest neighbor in Bay Area. Houses have large front yard. Most of the garages in the houses have three doors. Some are as large as a small elementary school. With the large yard, there are many unique designs in their houses. Since the area isn’t that populated, there aren’t many cars around. Some of the houses left the natural surroundings as it is, and have old trees in their front yard, the walkway. Some of the trees growing out in the streets are left alone to be preserved as it is. It’s no wonder the air around here is fresh and clean.
Our newly moved Fellowship Plaza has a very large area, near the end of the tennis courts of West Valley College. It’s in a road that is about half a mile from there. Once in the streets, if one walks about 200meters, from the right side, there is a pair of well-built houses. This is where all the senior houses start. This is like a small village for the elderly who wants to have a smaller house, but are wealthy. A bit deeper into the roads, there is an apartment for those who are elderly, financially stable but does not want to own houses. There is a gymnasium and areas for recreational / leisure area.

Walking back out, and around the corner, there is the first apartment building for the elderly. This apartment has all the medical services and food so the government help isn’t needed. There is a large, handsome fountain in the front of the apartment, and passing that area during the night time, it is lit up brightly like the daytime. The lamps aren’t cheap looking either. Also a private senior home is next to it. An acquaintance’s mother lives there, and from what I hear, there is a lot of money spent every month for her.

About 300meters further, there is the apartment that has government help. The area is divided in A, B, C, and D apartments. There are 194 families living in that area. Each family has a garage for themselves, so it is comfortable to live there. I didn’t really figure what ethnicity lives the most, but so far the most is Chinese, Russians, or the East Europeans. I think after that Americans and quite a few Koreans as well. There are about 17 units but about 27 Koreans that reside there.

Monday morning 9AM, in front of the main office there is s a large room for the multi-culture residents to gather around. They prepare coffee and refreshments. When I attended the first January 2013’s refreshments, there are about 20 Chinese people there, and another table had about 16 Korean people (including ourselves) greeting for the New Years. The stereotypical conversations were there, and turns out I am the youngest here. There is a gentleman about my age, but said he doesn’t attend this very well. Another strange thing was none of the Russians or the Americans came to this meeting.

While walking with my wife, we talked about how we lived so far, our grandchildren, and the grace of working for the Lord, and so on. We walked diligently again today.

(January 9, 2013)
Number Title Reference
7 Youngjin’s mother
6 2013-06-03 9:30AM
5 Age of 100s
4 At the Farmer’s Market
3 Fellowship Plaza A-202
2 Taking our walk
1 24 minutes (Moving in...)
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