Home > Fellowship Plaza Apt. A202
Hyundai Elantra
Hyundai Elantra

My current residence is one of the wealthier places to live in the sphere of influence in San Jose. With large landscape, people build large mansions – with small families. When I walk in the earlier mornings, I always find two or more newspaper brands delivered. One is The San Jose Mercury News, and the other, The Wall Street Journal. This shows how they are able to have a fancy house and live plentifully from their actions. They see the news that’s happening around the city and the nation itself through the Wall Street, and kept their money well-maintained.

Many of the houses are surrounded by forests, and in the roads, there are no telephone poles. Yesterday was Halloween, which makes the whole nation rowdy with children. When I walked during the evening, I couldn’t see any children around in their costumes. Probably it was because there aren’t as many children as expected. Also because many of the houses are far apart, and with no street lights, it would be hard for the children. Also most of the parents of the wealthier parent’s wouldn’t let their children have candy.

When I walk out in the morning, I see many cars heading for the road. Many a people head to work around 7o’clock in the morning. They are all so diligent. I think they live wealthy not only from their parent’s inheritance. Either they inherited the money, or earned it from working hard. When I see them, most of them drive well known luxury cars, ‘Mercedes-Benz’, ’BMW’, ’Lexus’, ‘Cadillac’ and most of them are newer models. Some of the houses have those cars but 6 of them parked! I have seen few Toyota, which have parents taking their children to school.

But one of the cars catches my eye. The owner is a working man of late 20s.

I usually wave my hand at those who go to work, or return from work. When I see this young man, I wave my hand harder.  The reason is because he drives a Hyundai Elantra. I can probably guess that he is the only one that drives this car. I know the technological advancement of Korea is well-known world-wide, but many of the people in this wealthy neighbor decide to ride either European made, or American luxury brand cars.
How did this young man buy such car? I think it is so he can save his gas price, or because he likes the look of the model? Or perhaps he had gone to Korea to work there and had a good experience from there? A thousand questions go through my mind. But anyway, I am proud to see that the Korean cars are being acknowledged by the Americans and its market is expanding. I was happy that despite the many reasons, he chose to ride a Korean small car, rather than the luxury cars.

I wish to see the day when Korea’s cars would expand their market and get more achievements to America, a ‘nation of cars’.

(October 27th, 2013)
Number Title Reference
19 Happy Birthday (4)
18 Happy Birthday (3)
17 Happy Birthday (2)
16 Happy Birthday (1)
15 The arches of the sky
14 Through the dust and storm
13 Such beauty
12 The elderly who looked at the sky
11 Habits
10 Hyundai Elantra
9 The crow and a walnut.
8 With the whole family
Page: (6/7), Total: 79