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Mrs. JungSook Sohn, Room 201 and 203
Mrs. JungSook Sohn, Room 201 and 203
The weather had changed recently from cool to warm. Yesterday I held a commemorative service for Mrs. JungSook Sohn. This morning around 9:30AM we had the service to lower the coffin in Los Gatos Memorial Park. She had passed away in peace at the age of 85 this Tuesday (2016.5.26).
I had met her first time when I had borrowed her daughter’s tutoring place to plant the Bethany Evangelical Church. She had attended the service with her husband who had moved from Arizona. I had seen her for about 2 and half years from that point.

It wasn’t the longest of time, but she did affect me in multiple ways.

One special thing about her was, she would take sermon notes during the service when I was preaching. During the weekly visits, she would open her note and take any notes possible.  Despite her advanced age, she had good hearing and writing skills were fast. Sometimes I would ask out of concern, “You could just listen really well instead of writing it all…” and she would answer “In my age, I would probably forget what I heard unless I write them down. So I can read them again later.” She had deeply adored the word and loved it. She would also take her joy and all her effort in praising the Lord when singing hymns.

Whenever I visit her she had her bible and hymnal book open, waiting to sing her and her husband’s favorite hymn. Her attitude as a worker of God was as transparent as it can get. Whenever my visit is over and I am ready to leave, she would purchase something from the market with extra portions for me, and she would give it to me with warm regards.

About 2 months ago she was diagnose with lung cancer. After short time she had came back home from the hospital for the rest of the life. Her last 2 weeks in life she was almost in state of coma, but before that she would try in her smallest voice to greet the person. About a month ago, even during her morphine medication, whenever her mind would be cleared for a short burst of time, she would sing hymns. She would also do her utmost to listen to the sermons then fall asleep.

One thing I can never forget is, even though she is barely conscious, she would know when a service is happening, she would try to get up! Even though her children attempt to stop her she asks to “get me up for service” and would get up even in pain. Often she would lie back down. This showed how seriously she took her worship service during Sundays when she was healthy.

About 10 days ago, an elderly man in his 80s passed away who happened to live on the same floor as I did. He was in Room 201 (I lived in Room 202). I have no idea when he had become single, but knew that he was somewhat active. After having a surgery in his stomach last summer, his health had deteriorated after which his cancer returned then passed away.

On Thursday (26th of May) evening someone from building 201 (an elderly woman) had passed away. When I asked her family member (a daughter presumed,) who came to take her things away, she had passed away at the age of 87 in peace. After I had moved here, it had been 3 years but I never got to see her around. The reason being was she was frail and had used walking aids. Also seeing a fire warning on the door since oxygen tank was being used was there, she probably would’ve used an oxygen tank.

Her daughter told me that her mother had lived in this apartment for 17 years before passing away. I would never know when she got bad in her health, or when she had become single, but after being sick, she tried her utmost to stay positive in getting healthy again. Seeing the things to be thrown out, there were many books. She loved to read, but after having difficulties in health, she had focused more on reading.

In 10 days, three people had passed away. I would one day also be taken to the Lord. I wish and pray that I would serve the Lord to the utmost till the end.

(May 28th, 2016)
Number Title Reference
42 The pair of Geese that left…
41 Noise Complain Issues
40 Kimbo Student Award Scholarship
39 Mrs. JungSook Sohn, Room 201 and 203
38 120 days spent on Early Morning QT total.
37 Early falling leafs
36 National Taiwan University Alumni Chorus
35 The Yellowing Grass
34 Mrs. Mary C. Coehlo
33 Records
32 A red cactus flower
Page: (4/7), Total: 79