Home > Liberty Tower Room 57
Almost impossible
Almost impossible

In the senior apartment, there were no other tenants to be admitted. I think it’s because many of them were immigrants, and or possibly because of financial difficulties. I even looked up the internet, and asked my neighbors, but none of the senior apartments wanted new tenants.

While I was living here, I knew the road very well to visit church members. Furthermore, the middle school my children has graduated is nearby, and close to it is a very well known senior apartment. It’s a very strongly built 11 story while apartment. In the balcony, several of them are well decorated with flowers by the tenants, and even passing by, it was always looking good.

I knew particular that this apartment didn’t have any news about admitting new tenants. But I summed up my courage and knocked on the office. This apartment complex was built by the Methodists about 35 years ago for elderly. I asked for an admittance file and the employee kindly gave me the files and told me to bring the file and come as a couple once it was finished. She was a Caucasian lady in her late 20s. She even gave me a pretty business card to call her anytime I had questions.

I came back with the finished files. After she checked through the files she said, “I’m not really sure, but sometimes it can take around 3 years to wait for another open place.”

While I was worried about if I would ever get a place, and was looking around for a new place, nearby my daughter’s house had a senior apartment that was government owned and was looking for tenants. I went there early morning to get the form but they were only giving to 300 people and I got mine when it was almost maxed. When I returned the paper works, the employee said not to come if any change of address or phone number. They said it was hard for the office because so many people came. I got to another place, but I was late to receive. Turns out that dozens of people come with sleeping bags and chairs to wait for the form in the previous evening from 8PM. While running around to look for admittance forms, I found out about half the people who wanted the form are Chinese. I could tell from this information, this area has a lot of immigrated Chinese people. After that American, Korean, Russian and Eastern European were the most popular.

When I was admitted to “Liberty Tower” my guess was correct. There are about 120 tenants here, and about half of them are Americans. Next are Chinese, Korean, Russian and finally Eastern European. Another thing I’ve discovered is, there is virtually no Vietnamese or Mexicans. If I look at the last names, I can see one is Vietnamese and two Mexicans. There is no Japanese. The Japanese, I think it’s because they have an excellent program to take care of the elderly.

I don’t know the reason, but I think the Mexicans, Indians and Vietnamese culture, the children prefers to take care of their elderly parents and have a large family.

Or it is because they are afraid of the new environment.

In this area alone, there are many people who requests for admittance. Some even waited 6 years, but have no news, so they wait tired. I and my wife are thankful to God that it would take us only 3 years to be admitted to a senior apartment. After having the form turned in, we prayed but no news ever came. But on last February of 27th, there was the news that I can be admitted.

(April 11th, 2011)
Number Title Reference
8 Morning and Evening, about an hour
7 Where the Young and Old crosses path.
6 Like a Five Star hotel!
5 A Night Time Emergency
4 Almost impossible
3 As simple as possible
2 31X12 = 372
1 ...From the East to West…
Page: (2/2), Total: 20