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The Power of Habits
The Power of Habits
After I had moved into Liberty Tower, I was able to witness what a habit can, in time change the person.

Out of about 100 families, there are about only 10 of them that live as a couple.

There are quite a few people who use walking aids who used to be able to walk fine. I didn’t find the answers from far away, but from several ladies from the 5th floor who told me the stories. Not all of the ladies on 5th floor walk with aids, but several of them have a different walking pose then when I first met them about a year and half ago.

Their walking pace is much slower, and slightly ducks footed, weak. Some walks with the aid of cane. Whenever my wife and I go out for our walks, or when I go to office, etc. there are many people I see in the 5th floor. Sometimes I will not be able to see their faces for weeks. Only I can hear loud noises from their TVs. It is because they do not regularly exercise; they always stay home and watch TV, causing their muscle to weaken. Also because their weights gain, their strength is getting weaker. I was able to see that what happens when you do not exercise, and just sit and watch TV.

There is a Taiwanese lady who lives next door. She is about our age group. She told me she came to the United States in 1965. Her back is rather much stooped. I thought she was too stooped for her age. But from her story, I was able to find out that it was from her habit. I think because she doesn’t want to stay in her studio all day long, she just walks outside with small hand cart, loaded with water bottle and handbags. She is very healthy looking, but she walks with a stoop because she always sees the ground while pushing her hand cart. One time, I saw her walking with her stoop some place 3 miles away from Liberty Tower. I think she lived like this for many years. I think she is the one with the most stooped back in the Liberty Tower.

On the other hand, there is Mr. Harry. He is past 90 years old. Every morning around 9AM in the morning, he takes his walking aid and walks with a straight back, albeit slow. His hand and foot is a bit difficult to use, he still maintains his health without going to a nursing home. Because of his habits, he has a good sight, hearing and speaks. Several of the elderly who still exercise maintains their health. His walking pattern is almost the exact same, just like how I saw him first time. Habit on how healthy you live affects your life and I can witness it.

We do our best to maintain our health by walking twice a day. When we walk, we have our back straight, and swing our arm (like a soldier) and wish to live boldly every day.

(2012  November)
Number Title Reference
20 Epilogue: 20 Months
19 The Power of Habits
18 Congratulations!
17 Living in fast lane
16 Reflections 2011
15 On the 40th Anniversary
14 Butler of Light
13 Happy Birthday
12 Unexpected Rain
11 Short Ribs (Wang Galbi)
10 Like mother
9 Waving the American Flag
Page: (1/2), Total: 20