Home > Praise and Thanks Volume II
Deacon Double J.
Chapter 2 – Deacon Double J.

In year 2007 our family had moved to San Jose from New Jersey. One of the deacons in New Jersey had sent us a letter of poem to me that he wrote.

I had followed the steps you had provided me.

I followed without knowing the end.

I had followed because I trusted you.

Because of passion I had followed.

I learned because of love.

Never knew I had changed because of the lessons.

I had followed because I trusted you.

Because of passion I had followed.

When you looked down low I followed,

When you looked weak I looked weak,

I had loved someone like you.

But you are departing us now,

You are leaving us now,

Because I didn’t show it in my heart

It pains me greatly.

A year, two, as they pass another year,

I change,

God who is our LORD and through his worker

Becoming his disciple, with another way, learning, teaching

Through our departure, I will be improved,

I believe it is your will.

(December 29th. 2009)

I had put this poem inside my office desk which has a glass plate. This poem is so honest and with warmth. It was like a window that I can look into his soul. I give thanks to God that I was able to meet with these two deacon couple. Also I wished that this valuable meeting is going to continually grow. This couple is in word, truthful, calm. They are like the spring of selfless sacrifice. Short time or long time, in 3 years of time, the couple I had fellowshipped; I could see why God had sent me to East Coast to serve there through the deacon couple.

When I see someone’s path of learning becomes stopped, I tend to become nervous about how to help this person. I think it was because I didn’t have a smooth path in learning in past. When I went to a certain church to do a seminar, I had met a seminary student who had 3 children. Hearing his story out, his wife was working so they had living expanse, but to graduate it was too much for him to continue. I started to feel like I needed to help him. I had spoken with the senior pastor to help with this student and started to look for a way to help him. But two semester’s finance is certainly not a small amount of money. At that time I had thought of the Double “J” deacon couple. I knew they would gladly help if I had requested a help.

So with that, I had decided to meet up with the deacons and told his story. “Pastor, I will do it!” I could never forget their smiling face when they had gladly answered. Who would ever want to help and support a seminary student they have never even met? But the couple gladly helped. “We will help and support his studies, but we do not wish to give our name. So please send the required amount of money to the church he serves, so that the church can financially support his studies.” Unlike most people of this age, they didn’t want their name shown largely in newspaper because of such help.

It was true. The two deacons had given away a large amount of money to help without showing their name, without showing off; it was so that they can serve God’s work. They had the heart of a servant to serve, and that is how they were able to pay the scholarship.
As their request, the money was turned into scholarship for church, and through that scholarship several years ago the evangelist was able to graduate. He is now a pastor. Thanks to the deacon couple a pastor was raise to be a new valuable worker of God. I told them they raised a new worker in God, they replied “It was through God’s opportunity so we got nothing to boast about.” They are such a valuable couple.

(July 12, 2011)
Number Title Reference
9 Why didn’t you come? (1)
8 This HeungGu is the HeungGu?
7 The 10th
6 The 10th “Praise and Thanks Night”(1)
5 Only my army ID number…
4 Reverend “Uncle John”
3 During Parent’s Day Sunday week
2 Deacon Double J.
1 Prologue - As I write “Give Praise and Thanks II”
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