Home > Praise and Thanks Volume II
Reverend Billy Graham’s Gospel Crusade to Korea (2)
Reverend Billy Graham (2)
2. Complete readiness for Evangelical Crusade
            But to be honest, even before Reverend Graham did his evangelical crusade, many other meetings of similar thoughts were also held by Reverend KyungJik Han who had gathered many pastors from different denominations to proceed with the events. With prayers and unity as a deep foundation when the evangelical crusade had started, there was a renewal of the fire of the torch that was evangelism.
            Each preparation meetings were made with different denominations, and through that event, all different denominations were able to close the gap of differences aside and stand side-by-side to marching forwards in evangelizing the nation.
It has finally happened – a complete unity in Spirit alone. Not only that, in the previous year, Reverend Graham had sent out evangelical association members and encouraged all denominations to work together in unity.
Following that, the island of Yeouido needed microphones installed for the speaking, at that time many investigations were required. The audio technician said that there were many requirements in the May, June weather of what the wind’s directions, speed, the temperature and so on in order to place the microphones in the most clear audible way.
If those steps were not taken, the sounds would all come out badly and no one would be able to hear the words that Reverend Graham speaks the Word. Since there were roughly million people gathering, there was a height requirement for the podium for the Reverend and the space needed for over 10,000 choir’s members to sing the hymn. With the finance background of churches during that time, it was almost near-impossible.
But from the start to finish, everything was installed smoothly and Reverend Graham’s speaking was audible very clear and crisp.
Also while all this was going on, Reverend Graham had all this time alone did evangelical crusade not only in Seoul, but forming a well-known group of evangelists to spread to Busan, Kwangju, Daejun etc. (basically all the major metropolitan areas outside Seoul) to have meetings during night time as well. I could see how well bonded the teamwork was through this.
Throughout the sermons Reverend Graham had used many important key historical events as a comparison to the Word so that people would understand it much easier. Such as in example when he pointed at the memorial statue of Sgt. WonDeung Lee located in JungJi Island of Han River, which commemorates the event during parachute training when one of his unit member’s parachute failed to open and to saved his life he sacrificed himself – his spirit of sacrifice as a comparison to how Jesus had died for our sins. In another example, he pointed out the location of the tomb of Heungson Daewongun (Grand Internal Prince) who did not accept Christianity – where the exact location from Seoul very accurately. He also preached about a death of a person as well.
He had probably read many historical facts about Korea so that people can understand his sermons much better.
One distinctive thing I remember was, Reverend Graham had gathered many of the staff members and counselors for the evangelical crusade, and he had requested to pray for the Sunday afternoon Crusade. Apparently unlike the evening meetings, it was going to be very hot that Sunday. But Reverend Graham and his staff all knelt down despite all the heat rising from the asphalt on the island square and had prayed. The reason was because the weather would be very hot and that the Crusade would go smoothly and that people would endure. I was very surprised that he would pray like that himself – which he would set an example for others to see.
Another thing was that during this time, a lesser well-known translator was used for translating the sermons. During the Korean War for Reverend Graham or in 1958 when Bob Pierce (the founder of World Vision International) was holding a Crusade in Jung-Ang Chung (General Government Building of Seoul), Reverend Han had always done the translations.
In the 1960s, whenever a foreign preacher came, such as Sae Kwang Cho (Taiwan born evangelist) usually Reverend KyungJik Han had done all the translations.
But in 1973 during the Billy Graham Evangelical Movement Crusade, Reverend Han could not come to the Crusade as the translator while he was the chairman. In 1972, he was already 70 years old and had formerly retired as the reverend of Seoul Yong Nak Presbyterian Church. Many people had waited for his brilliant translation, but instead Reverend Han chose Reverend Chang Whan (Billy) Kim who was relatively unknown at that time.
Reverend Kim was a Baptist pastor that had a very small denomination in Korea at that time period. He was serving under a church with barely 300 people in Suwon, and helped foster children ran by American cherish association. Even Reverend Chojun Park (Reverend Han’s successor of the Young Nak Church) spoke English very well because he had studied abroad at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey.
But I was pretty sure at that time Reverend Han had prepared many more people for the translation.
However, Reverend Han decided to place Reverend Kim as the translator and had Reverend Park to translate for choir who was led by Pastor Cribbarrow who was conducting the choir.
How great it was? That a senior pastor from a big church’s translation was unnecessary! Through Reverend Kim’s words, after the Crusade, his church had expanded majorly in size, and had become the chairman of Far East Christian Broadcasting. It was great to hear that he had become a great worker to spread the gospel to Communist countries and the nation as well.

3. Historical Sunday worship on the 3rd of June, 1973
The Crusade was just literally like a pack of sardines. Reverend Graham said that this was the biggest size in populous that any of his Crusades he had ever held. Despite the searing heat, people’s attention to the sermon which was like a roaring waterfall was very sincere.
Watching thousands of new believers marching forward was as if I was in heaven. At this time my wife and my 6 month old son was attending it as well. Despite the parasol and fanning him constantly, his face was reddened from the heat of the asphalt road… looking back, I thought this was something very reckless to do to a child, but since the preciousness of the Word was from the famous evangelist, I knew my first born had to listen to the Word and that was the only in my mind at that time.
I don’t know if my child had understood anything at all, but in the subconscious, I hope that something would be planted deep inside, to have a life in trusting the Lord all his life was my earnest wish and prayer. My wife had thankfully agreed and despite the people gathering like clouds in a storm, she had taken him there.
Now my son is just passing 45 years old, worked in the United State Air Force for about 28 years. Billy Graham’s Evangelical Crusade was truly something that had made a major mark in the line of my faith – and shown the country the flames of faith through the spirit very clearly through this historical event.
Few years later, Reverend Graham had found ACTS (Asian Church for Theological Studies and Missinos) for any Asian church leaders and anyone who wanted to get into seminary and had put enormous efforts to help it.
The first Chairman was Reverend KyungJik Han and as for the Dean, was Dr. Chul Ha Han of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary who had taught there.
Because the Lord had granted this Crusade, many of people were turned to Christ and I give thanks to the Lord. Also that he had used a worker like I was to increase my faith, to train to make more forward steps, and to be completely ready to be as a worker of God to be equipped with prayers and be always ready. I truly give thanks to God for all that.
(March 31, 2018)
Number Title Reference
21 ​Youtuber Reverend? (23,000 views coming soon…)
20 Reverend Billy Graham’s Gospel Crusade to Korea (2)
19 Reverend Billy Graham’s Gospel Crusade to Korea (1)
18 8BQW544
17 10,001
16 16 months of Dental Care
15 Where are you?
14 Jehovah-Jireh, My Lord
13 Yes, I Do!
12 Elder KilSang Kwon
11 Why didn’t you come? (3)
10 Why didn’t you come? (2)
Page: (1/2), Total: 21