Home > Praise and Thanks Volume II
Yes, I Do!
Yes, I Do!
It has been more than two and half years since my son had finished his duties in Nevada and moved to Ohio. After sending his son to Air Force Academy in the age of 17, my wife always wanted to see him, and to fulfill her wish, we tried to fly to our son’s place twice a year by flying there on a long airplane ride. After his service location had changed to near Las Vegas in Nevada, (where he worked there approximately 5 years,) I was able to drive there in about 14 hours to see him and had a very happy time together.

However, after moving to Ohio, it was impossible. The reason being, my wife had suffered a stroke about 10 years ago, and 6 years ago had breast cancer surgery, and as of current, she takes various medications for blood pressure, cholesterol etc. so she suffers from nausea. After our son had moved his position of duty from North Carolina to Nevada, since the distance was only 1 hour and 15 minutes from San Jose, we took the plane, but my wife suffering from nausea and migraines had a very hard time on this trip. After that incident, we decided to instead drive the distance which took more than one day time to drive. Several times we had gone there in one go, but after while I grew tired so my wife and I took some time to have a break – a nighttime rest at motel and then head back to San Jose.

Whenever my wife wanted to see our son, I offered to take the multi-day trip or take the train, but she would decline because she said it would be too much for her as well. My son and daughter in law would send plane tickets many times, but every time I would have to explain to them the 5 hour plane ride would be nearly impossible. Our son could come and visit alone, but she would want to see our daughter in law and grandchildren as well so it was even more complicated to get them here. When our son had moved to Ohio, the twins were only over 2 years old; they had to drive from Nevada to Ohio’s Dayton.

If my son would go to another place of duty on June next year, or be shipped to another country then we would not be able to see them for a long time. So they decided to visit us during the Christmas time. The twins were little over 5 years old at that time. But to get to San Jose, they would have to go from Dayton, Ohio to Atlanta, Georgia then San Jose. It would be a very boring trip for them. I am very thankful of my son and daughter in law and of the 4 children.

After having a delicious meal in our daughter’s place, and having had a short rest, we headed to the Christmas worship to her church in our entire 13 family members. I had worshipped next to our oldest grandchild, Jusun. The pastor preached about the importance of the birth of Christ, the meaning behind and the importance of worshipping as our Lord. After the service, I asked Jusun if he would “accept and follow Jesus as his Lord?” rather carefully. He had answered without doubt “Yes, I do!” How delightful was that answer? When I was his age, all I cared was having a meal, deal with the difficulties of daily living, and not even see my grandparents, or heard any comforting words. My oldest grandchildren had everything he could eat, never worry about his clothing, and be blessed by his grandparents, and accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior? My son’s family had since returned but I still can hear my grandson’s answer of “Yes I do” in my ears, along with the determined look on his face. It still rings in my chest.
(December 29th, 2015)
Number Title Reference
21 ​Youtuber Reverend? (23,000 views coming soon…)
20 Reverend Billy Graham’s Gospel Crusade to Korea (2)
19 Reverend Billy Graham’s Gospel Crusade to Korea (1)
18 8BQW544
17 10,001
16 16 months of Dental Care
15 Where are you?
14 Jehovah-Jireh, My Lord
13 Yes, I Do!
12 Elder KilSang Kwon
11 Why didn’t you come? (3)
10 Why didn’t you come? (2)
Page: (1/2), Total: 21